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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dust storm in Sydney

This morning I woke up to the sight of a dust storm. The sky was orange and everything was covered with orange dust from the outback. Westerly winds brought the dust in to Sydney over night; I took some videos for you to see…

Unfortunately my camera didn’t capture how orange the sky actually was. The sun was just visible; you could look right into it without being blinded…

When I picked up my cat and took her outside, you could see her thoughts on her face impression: “what the…?”

I have never seen anything like it before.

My work colleague, who came back from Melbourne on a plane last night, was caught up in the storm. The plane circled the airport three times, with three failed attempts to land. Finally they decided to fly up to Newcastle to at least fill up the tank, only problem was that Newcastle airport is not equipped to take big planes. Passengers were not allowed to get out until they finally landed in Sydney.

Hopefully the storm will settle by this afternoon. Some rain would be great to wash away the dust. there are more videos of the stom on my youtube account

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